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Saturday 17 September 2016

Korea - Bizline _ Science Farm: Farming Meets High-Tech: ARIRANG ISSUE

Published on Sep 16, 2016
A Seoul-based startup has unveiled a smart farming solution that analyzes sensors, the IoT, and big data to provide an optimized environment for crop production. The smart farm system is expected to address the shortage of manpower in rural areas and improve productivity as well as crop quality. Meet Science Farm that combined expertise of farmers and cutting-edge information technology to promise easier and more efficient agricultural practices for farmers.

스마트 농장 솔루션, 사이언스 팜
센서와 IoT, 빅데이터를 종합적으로 분석해 농사를 지을 수 있는 스마트 농장 솔루션 '사이언스 팜'이 해외 진출을 겨냥하고 있다. 센서로 측정한 자료를 통신기기에 전달, 빅데이터로 분석해 솔루션을 제시하고 원예, 과수 등의 수확량을 높여주는 사이언스 팜을 만나보자!

  Arirang TV

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