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Wednesday 7 September 2016

N. Korea - their Scud-ER missiles could threaten Japan: Expert: ARIRANG NEWS

Published on Sep 7, 2016
일본 산케이, 북한 탄도미사일 발사 일본 새로운 MD 체제 염두
Staying with North Korea's missile launches during the G20 summit.
Judging by the timing... the act is widely being viewed as a ploy for attention from the international community. 

Kim Hyun-bin tells us more. 

In a photo released on Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and his military commanders are looking at an operations map showing the missiles' flight path.

The missiles landed in Japan's air defense identification zone after flying around one thousand kilometers.
Experts say they they were Scud-ER missiles, which have a range of about that distance. ""Looking at pictures and intelligence information it's believed that North Korea fired Scud-ER missiles and that their accuracy has increased tremendously. When fired simultaneously they can be difficult to intercept with the THAAD and SM-3 missile defense systems."

Yang said the recent missile enhancement will become a grave threat not only to South Korea but even to Japan.

Japan's Sankei Shimbun reported on Tuesday that Tokyo is looking into enhancing its missile defense system as it's current SM-3 and Pac-3 anti-missile system can only cover part of the country. "Most military targets in Japan are in range of missiles like the latest one. North Korea has a limited number of Rodong launch pads... but has plenty of Scud launchers which can be fired simultaneously. This will become a grave threat to Japan as well.

U.S. forces stationed in Japan would be the first to be deployed in case of a crisis on the Korean peninsula... before the main reinforcements from the U.S. and the international community arrive. 

Many experts believe Scud ER missile could be armed with a nuclear warhead and fired from a mobile launcher, making it difficult to track beforehand. "Experts say North Korea will continue to enhance its missiles and nuclear weapons as the only negotiating tools the regime has to prolong its survival."
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

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