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Tuesday 11 October 2016

South Korea - New device offers effective treatment for heart disease patients: ARIRANG NEWS

Published on Oct 11, 2016
촌각을 다투는 급성 심근경색 실시간 진단
7-point-4 million people died of heart attack in 2012 alone... making cardiac arrest the most common cause of sudden death worldwide. And, that number grows every year... which in part could be attributed to time-consuming diagnostic treatments.

But, thanks to a Korean team of researchers... that time could be cut significantly... they've invented a device that accelerates the detection of the condition during early symptoms.

Kim Ji-yeon reports. 

The current method to detect early signs of a heart attack is to track certain proteins released into the bloodstream by the patient.

To do that, conventional methods require multiple steps that amplify such proteins, or biomarkers, such as removing organic contaminants and inserting antibodies, enzymes and luminous substances in the patient's blood sample before going through a detection step using a gold film refractor.

The process usually takes more than two hours per patient,... rendering it ineffective to treat a heart attack patient who's running against time.

However, the Center for Nanometrology Head at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Cho Hyun-mo says his team came up with a new device that can offer the same results in real time. "The device can radically shorten the time and expense doctors spend on diagnosing a patient."

The device uses a silicon board's high refraction property instead of a metal refractor to detect biomarkers.
In other words, the device makes it possible to effectively track indicators of a heart attack in real time.
The speedy process is mainly due to the elimination of the decontamination step and the use of silicon-based materials, ...which have minimized the rate of errors that commonly occur in the conventional method. "The biosensors are ten times more accurate than the conventional gold film biosensors... because they could detect pairing properties of antigens and antibodies by one in one-hundredths picogram per millimeter."

Also, the researcher says the costs to run the test will be dramatically reduced from the current 900 U.S. dollars to less than nine dollars per person.

This is why the researcher says the silicon-based biosensors can be mass produced in wearable form which will be effective in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in their early stages.

The device is expected to be used in local hospitals starting next year at a cost of around 27-thousand dollars per unit.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

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