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Friday 10 March 2017

Korea - citizens react to impeachment ruling: ARIRANG NEWS

Published on 9 Mar 2017
운명의 날' 밝았다…헌재 앞 찬반 집회 대립 첨예
The much-anticipated decision has been made, and President Park Geun-hye has been removed from office.

But thousands of protesters are still on the streets of Seoul, forcing the government to station police and security guards all across the capital.

Our Kim Hye-sung has this story.

"After months of political wrangling and legal drama, the court voted unanimously to uphold the impeachment motion against President Park Geun-hye. Weekend protests have taken place for months here in Korea and, once again, tens of thousands of people have come out to demonstrate in the streets around the Constitutional Court."

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has put its forces on high alert, deploying more than 20-thousand police officers and hundreds of buses across the capital city, with over four-thousand stationed around the court alone.

At exit three of Anguk subway station, a group of young people welcomed the court's decision.

"I've been attending the Saturday protests for weeks. Finally, President Park is impeached. I'm so happy."

"Today's ruling shows the difference between right and wrong. Justice has been done. It shows that there's still hope and justice in Korea."

But just 100 meters away, thousands of pro-Park supporters, dressed up in military uniforms, vented their anger about the impeachment decision... and vowed to keep protesting over the weekend.

With the ruling, Korea has opened a new chapter in its modern history.
Although the country is divided along generational and ideological lines, its citizens,... as the court said in its ruling,... will have to find a way to move toward unity.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

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