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Saturday 11 January 2020

Middle East - Iran admits it 'unintentionally' shot down Ukrainian passenger plane: France 24 in English

Iran said on Saturday its armed forces "unintentionally" shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet that crashed after taking off from Tehran, killing all 176 people aboard.

Maryam Zarenejad, a writer and spoken word artist from Vancouver, wrote this poem in memoriam of the victims of Flight PS752. Zarenejad did not lose anyone in the Iran plane crash. This poem is a piece of fiction where she puts herself in the shoes of someone who was on the plane, saying goodbye to their parents. To read more:

مریم زارع نژاد ، نویسنده و هنرمند کلمه گفتار ونکوور ، این شعر را در یادداشت قربانیان پرواز PS752 نوشت. زارع نژاد در سقوط هواپیمای ایران کسی را از دست نداد. این شعر بخشی از داستان است که او خودش را در کفش کسی که در هواپیما بود ، می گذارد و با پدر و مادرش خداحافظی می کند.
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