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Wednesday 25 August 2021

Afghanistan - #Massoud #mujahideen #Panjshir - Panjshir Valley: The last stronghold of resistance to Taliban rule: FRANCE 24

25 August 2021

FRANCE 24 English 
FRANCE 24 English1.84M subscribers

Anti-Taliban forces loyal to Ahmad #Massoud, son of the anti-Soviet #mujahideen commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, have established themselves in the #Panjshir valley, a mountainous area northwest of #Kabul which resisted the Taliban before 2001. Massoud, whose forces include remnants of regular army and special forces units, has called for negotiations to form an inclusive government for Afghanistan but has promised to resist if Taliban forces try to enter the valley.

FRANCE 24's Chief Foreign Editor Rob Parsons tells us more about the Afghan #resistance to #Taliban rule.

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