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Monday 22 August 2016

WTI Crude Oil and Natural Gas Forecast August 22, 2016: DailyForex

Published on Aug 19, 2016
The WTI Crude Oil market went back and forth during the course of the day on Friday, ultimately forming a fairly neutral candle. That being the case, I think we are starting to run out of momentum at the moment, but given enough time I think that the buyers will return eventually. With this being the case, I’m simply going to let this market pullback and try to find support that we can take advantage of. I believe that the $46 level below is supportive, and should continue to offer a bit of a “floor” in this market. I have no interest in selling at this point even though I fully anticipate that the market is going to drop. At this point, there simply far too much in the way of bullish pressure to step in front of it.

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