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Saturday 12 November 2016

Trump shakes up transition team, elevates Pence's role: FOX 5 Atlanta

Published on Nov 11, 2016
WASHINGTON (AP) - President-elect Donald Trump shook up his transition team Friday as he plunged into the work of setting up his administration, elevating Vice President-elect Mike Pence to head the operations. The move, one of the first key decisions as Trump pivots from campaigning to governing, amounted to a demotion for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who had been running the Republican's transition planning for months.

On the heels of Trump's upset victory this week, his team has begun to embark upon building a government, an enormous undertaking that likely requires Trump to alter his hands-on management style and consider going outside his small, insular group of loyalists. He has been scrambling to identify people for top White House jobs and Cabinet posts, a herculean task that must be well in hand by the time Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20.

For Trump, who ran on a pledge to "drain the swamp" of Washington insiders, the team is strikingly heavy on those with long political resumes.

And another apparent contradiction emerged Friday as Trump, who repeatedly vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act "on day one," said he would be open to maintaining portions of President Barack Obama's signature legislative achievement.

In a statement Friday, Trump said Pence would "build on the initial work" done by Christie.

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