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Monday 12 December 2016

Protecting Russia and Putin--Trump wrong about FBI-CIA hacking dispute

Published on 11 Dec 2016
Protecting Russia and Putin--Trump wrong about FBI-CIA hacking dispute
On Fox News today, Donald Trump again did what he could do to defend Russia and claim that the Democrats are to be blamed for the hacking allegations since they lost so badly.

On Meet the Press Reince Pribus, his chief of staff, said Trump wanted to know who did the hacking.
But, despite that claim, there is no evidence that he would want an investigation, particularly, because there are questions about his own relationship with Russia and Putin. Plus, his recent likely choice of Rex Tillerson, head of Exxon Mobil, to be the Secretary of State, only leads others to question his Russian connection.

He needs to lead the investigation or, will be colored as hiding from the truth.

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