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Tuesday 24 January 2017

Satellite imagery shows N. Korea preparing possible ICBM launch: U.S. expert: ARIRANG NEWS

Published on 24 Jan 2017
미 전문가 "북 갈마발사장 ICBM시험발사 준비 정황" North Korea might be preparing to test an intercontinental ballistic missile. 

In response, Seoul deployed an additional Aegis destroyer to the East Sea to better detect a possible test.
Kim Hyun-bin has the latest. U.S.-based monitoring website 38 North said that recent satellite imagery shows... Pyongyang might be preparing for an intercontinental ballistic missile launch off its east coast.
The article written by Joseph Bermudez says the pictures show that the regime is re-grading roads at the Kalma missile test site and paving them with gravel,... which means it's making improvements to launch a missile that's heavier than its Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missile.

North Korea carried out at least four Musudan tests from the same site last year.

South Korea's defense ministry says that it is keeping a close eye on the regime. "South Korea and the U.S. are looking out for possible ballistic missile provocations from the North. North Korea conducted several missile tests on the site last year and currently seems to be maintaining its existing facilities."

South Korea dispatched to the East Sea... an additional Aegis destroyer, which has a radar range of up to two thousand kilometers. " A South Korean military official says that the U.S. and Japan have also deployed Aegis destroyers to the same area to better detect any missile launches."
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

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