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Sunday 19 March 2017

Hungary - crackdown on refugees is being criticised? Al Jazeera English

Published on 19 Mar 2017
A new law has been signed in Hungary to allow the detention of all asylum seekers - including 14 year old children and above.

New fences along the border with Serbia are also planned, to try and prevent a new wave of refugees.

And a new volunteer force called 'Border Hunters' are being trained to patrol borders.

Amnesty International says the new measures are a violation of international law.

Are Hungary's tactics out of line?

And is the EU to blame for not providing support?

Presenter: Dareen Abughaida


Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR.

Elizabeth Collett, Migration Policy Institute Europe.

Raphael Bossong, German Institute for International and Security Affairs.

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