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Saturday, 29 August 2020

US - Anonymous Corpses at America’s Deadliest Border Crossing: VICE 13.2M subscribers

A humanitarian crisis is overwhelming South Texas as migrants continue to die trying to cross the United States-Mexico border. In Episode 1 of Overlooked, VICE follows forensic anthropologist Kate Spradley and her team to Brooks County, one of the deadliest stretches of the Texas migration corridor, as they exhume the bodies of migrants in hopes of identifying them for their families, and highlighting how Texas law is not being followed in some counties. 

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Una crisis humanitaria esta abrumando el sur de Texas debido a los migrantes que siguen muriendo tratando de cruzar la frontera Mexico-Estados Unidos. En el primer episodio de "Overlooked", VICE sigue a la antropóloga forense Kate Spradley y su equipo al condado de Brooks, uno de los tramos mas mortales de cruce migratorio en Texas, mientras exhuman cuerpos de los migrantes con la esperanza de identificarlos para su familia, y mostrando cómo la ley no se aplica en algunos condados. 

13.2M subscribers

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