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Sunday 9 April 2017

Korea - USS Carl Vinson heads to Korean peninsula: ARIRANG NEWS

Published on 9 Apr 2017
미 항공모함 칼빈슨호 한반도 인근으로 이동 예정
A 65-hundred-sailor- U.S. Navy strike group heads closer to the Korean peninsula on Saturday after departing from Singapore. 

The USS Carl Vinson's presence in the region is meant to send a clear warning to North Korea, as concerns grow over the regime's potential advancements in nuclear weapons through recent missile tests... according to Admiral Harry Harris, commander of U.S. Pacific Command.

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is the centerpiece of the Strike Group which includes state-of-the-art arsenals and 74 aircraft.

North Korean officials, including its leader have repeatedly hinted at a possible ICBM test to mark the birthday of its founder Kim Il-sung which falls on the 15th of this month. 

Trump's national security aides reportedly completed a review of options in dealing with the regime.
Pre-emptive strikes are not exclued from the list, but it prioritizes a non-military approach.

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