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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Ukraine - Farewell Interview: Tombinski says Ukraine should be one of most prosperous countries in Europe: UKRAINE TODAY

Published on Aug 29, 2016
Head of EU delegation to Ukraine – Ambassador Jan Tombinski having secured the EU Association Agreement for Ukraine gives his farewell interview to UT correspondent Volodymyr Solohub before leaving his office.

"Ukraine is in a very fragile situation – Russian aggression, the departure of part of the territory of Ukraine because of the illegal annexation of Crimea and aggression in the east, the destabilisation of state structures – this requires from our side a lot of work and commitment to Ukraine. We should stay committed to Ukraine not only because of this emotional link and emotional attitude created by the Revolution of Dignity, this is a commitment because of principles. We are staying by a sovereign country within its recognised borders, within its recognised sovereignty of territory."

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