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Tuesday 13 December 2016

Korea - USFK commander says THAAD will be deployed to S. Korea as planned: ARIRANG NEWS

Published on 13 Dec 2016
브룩스 사령관 "한국 정치적 상황에도 사드 배치 지연없을 것

North Korea's threats topped the agenda at a meeting between defense officials from South Korea and the U.S., as the two allies believe the Pyongyang could conduct a provocation in the near future.

The USFK commander assured THAAD will be stationed in Korea as planned and additional assets could be deployed. 

Kim Hyun-bin tells us more. 

South Korea's Defense Minister Han Min-koo and U.S. Forces Korea commander General Vincent Brooks met on Tuesday at the Ministry of National Defense in Seoul, where they discussed wide array of defense issues including North Korea's growing threats and the deployment of U.S. advanced missile defense system THAAD.

Minister Han said that there is a great possibility North Korea could conduct a provocation soon and emphasized the importance of maintaining a joint defense posture.

General Brooks said that Washington is looking into additional countermeasures to deal with threats from the North, including the temporary deployment of U.S. strategic assets to the peninsula.

He also said that the U.S. will deploy its advanced missile defense system THAAD to South Korea as planned.

Last month Brooks said THAAD would be deployed to the peninsula within ten months.

Some experts believe the THAAD deployment could be delayed... now that the motion to impeach President Park Geun-hye has passed the National Assembly,... as the opposition parties and China are strongly against the deployment.

Military sources say, however, that the ministry plans to have the THAAD battery installed by next May.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

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