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Tuesday 13 December 2016

Mutamba scoping study should provide roadmap to development: ProactiveInvestors Stocktube

Published on 13 Dec 2016
The scoping study launched at the Mutamba mineral sands project in Mozambique should provide a roadmap towards mine development there.

So says David Archer, the chief executive of Savannah Resources plc (LON:SAV), which today said industry expert TZ Minerals International had been hired to produce the report.

It is expected to take around four months to complete.

The news came the same day Savannah said intensive drilling had started at one of the Mutamba deposits - the Ravene site.

It is aimed the work will be a prelude to an inferred resource early next year to supplement the existing inferred resource of 3.5 billion tonnes at 3.8% total heavy minerals at the Mutamba Project North.

Archer noted that price rises along with the fact there have been very few heavy mineral sands mine developments over last few years provides for a very favourable setting for a mine development.

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